Notetakers for SDS Students: Role and Expectations
Notetakers DO:
Capture notes either, handwritten or typed
Document upcoming dates for tests, assignments, etc.
Describe visual elements of videos shown in class as needed
Locate pertinent portions of textbooks and navigate to worksheets either on the computer
or in paper format as needed
Act as a reader and/or a scribe for worksheets, activities and quizzes as needed
Manipulate objects or perform other manual tasks as directed by student during labs
and other experiential learning environments as needed
Notetakers DO NOT:
Instruct during lecture and other in-class activities. The notetaker is not akin to
a teaching assistant or co-instructor.
Answer the student’s questions about the content of material being presented, nor
do they offer hints or suggestions about how to do the work. The student should direct
their questions about the subject matter directly to the instructor. The notetaker
is not a tutor.
Answer an instructor’s questions on behalf of the student. In general, the classroom
assistant should have very little to no interaction with the rest of the class and
the instructor.
Become full-fledged participants in the class or in small group activities (if the
student chooses to use their support during those activities). They are there solely
to ensure the student can participate fully and independently with their group members.
A notetaker should not be asked to contribute an opinion or input even if they have
knowledge of the subject.
Attend class in place of a student. Students must attend class in order to receive
notes for the day. Notes will not be provided to students on days that they do not
attend class.
If there are any questions or concerns regarding a student’s success in a class, or regarding the role of the notetaker in the class, please contact the Student Disability Services office at (864) 592-4818.