Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS)

Spartanburg Community College’s Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) Program prepares students to enter the workforce in several productive and fulfilling settings such as hospitals, OB/GYN offices, vascular clinics and many more. A Diagnostic Medical Sonographer is a skilled health professional within the Imaging Sciences field. Sonographers are proficient in anatomical knowledge, patient care, and interpersonal skills. Sonographers use ultrasound technology to create images of anatomy using sound waves. Sonography does not use radiation. Sonographers look at multiple anatomical systems, assist with procedures, and evaluate blood flow patterns. Sonography is sometimes referred to as ultrasound. The images taken by sonographers are used to aid doctors in diagnosis of diseases and abnormalities.


sonography image


How do I complete this program?

Information Sessions

Students are required to attend at least one information session prior to applying to the program. Students can register for upcoming information sessions using the button below.


October 22, 2024 @ 10:00 am  | Tracy Gaines Auditorium, Spartanburg (Giles) Campus

Register Now


Questions and Applying to the Program

Students may reach out to either of the contacts listed on the left side of the page for more information and to begin the application process.