Spartanburg Community College Emergency Fund


Students who find themselves in a difficult financial situation at SCC often seek monetary relief through the SCC Foundation (SCCF). Though SCCF does provide student support through scholarships, we do not have sufficient discretionary funds to meet all emergencies. However, based on specific hardship circumstances we will make every effort to assist a student with one-time emergency needs through a designated Foundation fund.

Must be experiencing a financial hardship resulting from an emergency, accident, natural disaster or other unexpected critical event. 
Emergency Fund awards are up to $500. 

Click on the titles below to see details about the application process, eligibility and examples.

Emergency Fund Request


Please submit your information so we may review your funding needs. Based on specific hardship circumstances we will make every effort to assist a student with one-time emergency needs through a designated SCC Foundation fund. REMINDER: to be eligible, you:
Must be currently enrolled at SCC in at least 6 hours and have successfully completed 6 credit hours.

Must have applied for all available aid and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
Note: If your needs are strictly for help with your text books or other learning materials, please use the Book Fund Request form instead of this one.


Click Here To Apply