Featured Trailblazer


Trailblazer Beth Peterson


I have been a part-time library specialist at the Cherokee Campus Library since 2018. Graduated from UNC-Greensboro.

I have been married for 35 years and am a pastor’s wife. I have 3 grown children. My oldest son is married and teaching school in Seoul, S. Korea. Our younger son is a graduate of SCC and Clemson and is working as a farm manager. Our daughter is a senior nursing major at Charleston Southern University.

I enjoy working with the babies and children at church and like to sew in my spare time. I have a great co-worker and awesome supervisor at SCC. The students and faculty/staff at SCC are wonderful!

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I am very humbled and surprised to receive this award. It truly is an honor to even be nominated. The students at SCC are the best and are always so appreciative anytime I help them. They are the ones that inspire me, especially the students who are going to college after being out of school for a while and are juggling classes, work, and family! I don't know how they do it. The credit really goes to the library director, Katherine Stiwinter, for creating a student-friendly library and for modeling what it means to be customer service oriented, and to my co-worker, Denise Faltermeier. She is a pleasure to work with. All of the library staff at Giles and Downtown and the faculty/staff at Cherokee are wonderful and very committed to the students.
                                                                                 - Beth Peterson
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August 2024

Katherine Stiwinter

Katherine has been a Faculty member working in the library at SCC for 15 years, first as the Public Services Librarian and since 2015 as the Director of the Library. As the director, she oversees the operation of all SCC Library locations, services, and programs. 

Trailblazer Katherine Stiwinter

Mary Daubenspeck

Richard Reeves

Since 2002, he has been a faculty member in the Science Department. Previously, he was an instructor at Tri-County Technical College for several years. He holds a Bachelors of Science in Biology from the College of Charleston and a Master of Science in Entomology from Clemson University. 

Mary Daubenspeck

With over two decades of experience, she currently serves as the Systems & Electronic Resources Librarian for SCC. She manages complex library systems, develops comprehensive research guides, and assists students and employees with extensive library instruction. 

Mary Daubenspeck

Chris Fant

Chris Fant

Meet Chris Fant, one of our SCC Trailblazers for the month of August. He started teaching at SCC as an Adjunct Instructor in the Spring 2004. He then transitioned as a full-time Economics Instructor in the Fall of 2004. He now serves as the Academic Director for Economics. 


July 2024

Trailblazer Richard Powers

Chief Richard Kevin Powers

Chief Kevin Powers currently serves as the Police Chief, Director of Public Safety at SCC. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor for the Criminal Justice Program. He began his career in law enforcement as a military officer in the U.S. Army | National Guard in November 1999.

Anthony Mims

Anthony began working at SCC as an Adjunct Instructor in 2014, teaching College Skills Orientation in the Transitional Studies Department and serving on the Transitional Studies Board. He also taught Political Science, American Government, and State and Local Politics in the Social Sciences Department.

Trailblazer Anthony Mims

Trailblazer Portia Gaffney

Portia Gaffney

Portia is the Program Assistant for the CDL Training in Continuing Education. She has been employed at SCC for almost 23 years. She loves her job and interacting with students because she is a people person, knowing that they are comfortable and accepted when they talk with her assures her that she is a beacon of light to them.



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